Cephalometric analysis software / medical OrisCeph® Rx3 Elite Computer Italia

Cephalometric analysis software / medical OrisCeph® Rx3 Elite Computer Italia
OrisCeph® Rx3

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Owing to its revamped graphic interface, the OrisCeph® Rx3 cephalometric analysis software is now more accurate, faster and easier to use. By using OrisCeph® Rx3, medical staff can now execute accurate tracing with a few clicks and in real time. The OrisCeph® Rx3 software is boasts new functionality such as superimposition of the picture on the tracing or in transparency, morphing + VTO and improved aesthetic techniques. The printing layout can now be easily configured and is integrated with a preview mode, which allows for easy exporting of the printings in both PDF and Word format. Moreover, the orthodontic chart and the printings can be customized in both the content and the graphics thanks this functionality.
  • Function:cephalometric analysis
  • Application domain:medical
via Achille Grandi, 21,
Vimodrone (MI)
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