Carotid stent GORE® Gore

Carotid stent GORE® Gore

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Carotid artery stenting (CAS) is growing in popularity as a viable means of treating carotid disease. One of the problems that can be encountered when using the CAS approach is the liberation of embolic particles during a carotid artery angioplasty or stenting procedure. The release of these particles into the bloodstream could, in some cases, cause a stroke or a diminishing of cognitive function in a patient. The GORE Flow Reversal System provides a solution to this problem. One way to significantly lessen the risk of emboli reaching the brain, thereby causing a stroke, is to channel the blood flow in a new direction during the critical phases of the CAS procedure. The GORE Flow Reversal System, as the name implies, does just that.
  • Cardiovascular system :carotid
Yrittäjäntie 1,
71800 Siilinjärvi
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