Automatic biochemistry analyzer / random access / veterinary 120 tests/h | Keylab Vet BPC BioSed

Automatic biochemistry analyzer / random access / veterinary 120 tests/h | Keylab Vet BPC BioSed
120 tests/h | Keylab Vet

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Keylab Vet is a random approach analyzer conceived to fill the gap existing between the semi automatic analyzers and the fully automatic instruments. Keylab Vet Great solution, small dimension. A built in printer and a serial port RS232 for the connection to a data management system complete the profile. A USB port permit to update the software and saving files on removable memory unit. Throughput up to 120 tests/hour, tray for loading of 80 samples and refrigerated compartment for storage of 20 reagents. All in one benchtop analyzer of decrease dimension, with built in CPU and color LCD with touch screen. Provides maximum operational flexibility by providing factual and dependable results with much convenient cost; is the faithful friend of veterinary. Patner Indispensable of veterinary doctor, Keylab is the natural substitute of dry chemistry instruments. The analyzer has low water consumption and low maintenance cost.
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:24:"Options and accessories:";s:3:"val";s:13:"random access";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:10:"Operation:";s:3:"val";s:9:"automatic";}}
Traversa del Grillo km. 0,600,
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