Semi-automatic urine analyzer / veterinary Reader 300 Vet BPC BioSed

Semi-automatic urine analyzer / veterinary Reader 300 Vet BPC BioSed
Reader 300 Vet

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"Reader 300 Vet is a dry chemistry strip reader that is semi-automatic. A reflectance photometer reads and analyzes urine strips. The user needs to dip the strip to the sample and put it on the strip loading plate. It makes laboratory diagnosis easy as it is easy to operate, highly sensitive, and specific. It also permits the identification of pathological changes in urine swiftly and accurately. The results show date and time when measurement was taken, ID, and sequence number. Results are also stored and printed by the internal printer. It has an output of up to 800 tests/hour. It can also be interfaced through RS232."
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Traversa del Grillo km. 0,600,
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