Arm sling with shoulder abduction pillow / human SAS® 15 medi

Arm sling with shoulder abduction pillow / human SAS® 15 medi
SAS® 15

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With the hand support section in the form of a foam ball, the forearm muscles can be rehabilitated at an early stage. The skin-friendly terry towelling material and the low weight of the brace make it comfortable for the patient to wear. Areas of use Postoperatively following reconstructive surgery to the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff comprises four shoulder muscles that should hold the head of the upper arm in the shoulder socket. It is usually the supraspinous muscle that tears. The patient usually complains of pain in the shoulder and upper arm particularly at night. If this is not treated surgically, there is a risk of frozen shoulder. Postoperative immobilisation following arthroscopic removal of calcium deposits: after a minor operation (general anaesthesia is not always necessary) during which the calcium deposits are removed, the shoulder is initially immobilised. Postoperatively following correction of subacromial impingement syndrome (using the method of Neer): the space between the shoulder blade and the lateral end of the collar bone is described as the subacromial space and can be enlarged in the event of constriction or swelling.
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