Archiving transmission system GXD? PACS GLOBAL IMAGING ON LINE

Archiving transmission system GXD? PACS GLOBAL IMAGING ON LINE

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Compatible with all DICOM modalities Storage of images in DICOM and compressed formats: JPEG 2000, JPEG, and MPEG-4 Secure local or remote access to images from any device Unlimited access to JPEG and MPEG-4 images from a standard Web browser Unlimited, multiplatform image sharing with the GXD5 UniView zero-footprint viewer Access to DICOM and JPEG 2000 images with the GXD5 Viewer Image sharing with GXD5 Net Efficient links to GXD5 Diagnostics and Advanced 3D Applications GXD5 Store: storage capacity that is modifiable and scalable to your specific needs System backup by real-time replication between the production and backup servers Image storage time configurable for each format using any DICOM criterion Operational integration with all major radiology information systems and patient record systems
Immeuble Le Méliès - 261, rue de Paris,
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