Anesthesia workstation with gas blender / portable ADOX S.A.

Anesthesia workstation with gas blender / portable ADOX S.A.

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Main Features Manufactured under ISO 9001:2000 quality standards. Compact design, easy for transport. Low-flow intelligent rotameters. Ensures accurate N2O and O2 reading below 1 litre / minute to save anaesthetic gas consumption. Flowmeter block with mechanical anti-hypoxic device. Avoids accidents not allowing that the FiO 2 drops below 27%. O2 flush: 30/60 L/min. Individual network (or cylinder) pressure gauges for each gas. Built in CO2 absorber design including a window to visualize soda lime level status. APL valve. Common gas outlet. Analogic manovacuometer with airway pressure limit indicator. 12 months standard warranty.
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Cerrito 1225,
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