Transparent hospital baby bassinet Nido Ginevri

Transparent hospital baby bassinet Nido Ginevri

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The baby crib “Nido” has been premeditated particularly for soothing and the security of the infant and for presenting the most sensible and useful elucidation to the health operators. The trolleys moving the baby cribs has a firm and secure construction and is finished of epoxy tinted steel. The baby crib “Nido” has been intended to permit the mother to keep on near the baby allows her to stay at ease and tranquil in bed. The rounded shape of the hood plans to pledge the security of the infant and of the nurse. Its non-toxic material eases the progress of a simple cleaning. The limited cover system (optional baby crib hood P/N 11603A70) makes sure a superior soothing and the best guard also throughout transports within the hospital. The standard version baby crib comprises a trolley prepared with four casters (two of which with brakes), a mattress finished of fire resistant material and a hood.
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Via Cancelliera, 25B,
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