Resuscitation ventilator / non-magnetic Sirio Plus MRI Siare

Resuscitation ventilator / non-magnetic Sirio Plus MRI Siare
Sirio Plus MRI

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The Sirio Plus MRI is a versatile and exclusive electronic ventilator. The Sirio Plus MRI provides optimal treatment for adult, children and newborn patients in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging environment. The Sirio Plus MRI comes equipped with an electronic control system that provides technologically advanced and safe lung ventilation. The Sirio Plus MRI can work with a magnetic field up to 20 m/tesla, even when it's very next to a magnet. Besides MRI the Sirio Plus MRI can be used in other applications such as intensive care unit, intra and extra-hospital transportation and resuscitation unit.
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Via Giulio Pastore, 18 Località Crespellano,
40053 Valsamoggia (BO)
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