Anesthesia workstation with electronic gas mixer Morpheus E Siare

Anesthesia workstation with electronic gas mixer Morpheus E Siare
Morpheus E

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The MORPHEUS E is extensively utilized for the gaseous anaesthesia administration of air, oxygen, sevoflurane, isoflurane, enflurane, halothane, nitrous oxide and desflurane mixtures. The device can be used on adults, children and new born babies. The device consists of electronic lung ventilator of 12 TFT colour display, electronic controlled gas mixing system, different valve groups with soda lime absorber (0,5 Kg), SIARETEX rapid connection device, Selectatec compatible for 2 vaporizers and a group of gas supply.
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Via Giulio Pastore, 18 Località Crespellano,
40053 Valsamoggia (BO)
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