Ophthalmic biometer (ophthalmic examination) / ultrasound biometry AXIS NANO Quantel Medical

Ophthalmic biometer (ophthalmic examination) / ultrasound biometry AXIS NANO Quantel Medical

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The Ultrasound Biometer Biometry and IOL Calculation Axis Nano is a high precision ultrasound biometer able to measure all eye types. Thanks to the unique ProBeam biometry probe that permits automatic focusing in the visual axis, measurements are obtained quickly with an accuracy of 0.01mm. Combining this high level of accuracy with an IOL power calculation software including post refractive formulas, Axis Nano is the ultrasound biometer of choice for all practices. Main characteristics: - Precision A-scan and IOL calculation - 6 formulas for standard IOL calculation and 6 formulas for post-refractive surgery IOL calculation - Portable and EMR compatible
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601 Haggerty Ln,
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