Hand-held ultrasound system / for ophthalmic ultrasound imaging / touchscreen COMPACT TOUCH STS/UBM Quantel Medical

Hand-held ultrasound system / for ophthalmic ultrasound imaging / touchscreen COMPACT TOUCH STS/UBM Quantel Medical

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Ultrasound Biomicroscope UBM and IOL calculation Compact Touch STS UBM is the portable ultrasonic biomicroscope (UBM) for imaging the eye from the cornea to the lens. In comparison to optical technologies, ultrasound can travel through opaque media and pigmented tissues to produce high quality images of ocular structures, especially behind the iris. The angle, ciliary bodies, crystalline lens and IOL are easily visualized with the Compact Touch STS UBM. Thanks to its compact design and high quality images, Compact Touch STS UBM offers a competitive solution to practices where understanding glaucoma mechanisms, providing valuable information in pre and post cataract surgery and imaging mass lesions are essential. The unique linear probe technology offers unparalleled image quality. Compact Touch STS UBM also offers an optional STS module allowing an automatic measurement of the sulcus-to-sulcus, lens curvature and anterior chamber depth, prior to phakic IOL implantation. ICL nomograms are available to pre-visualize the post-operative position. It helps determining the appropriate sizing and selecting the most suitable ICL. Main characteristics: - 50 MHz UBM linear probe for anterior chamber imaging - Optional STS module for sulcus-to-sulcus measurement and visualization of phakic IOL implantation - Large range of applications : glaucoma, cataract and refractive surgery - EMR Compatible
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601 Haggerty Ln,
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