Nurse call system 444F, 444FNC, 444FNC2 Pelican Manufacturing Pty Ltd

Nurse call system 444F, 444FNC, 444FNC2 Pelican Manufacturing Pty Ltd
444F, 444FNC, 444FNC2

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Stand-Up Floor Alarm - Nurse Call Item # 444FNC (Nurse Call - 1 Black Band) Item # 444FNC2 (Nurse Call - 2 Black Bands) Stand-Up Alarms can be a very helpful way of monitoring a patient?s movement, without physical or chemical restraining. They are normally used with people who stand up from a chair or get out of bed and could fall over. However, sometimes the patients may be able to walk, but due to dementia, they may put themselves or others in danger. This Stand-Up Floor Alarm is the most recommended item in our alarm range for people getting out of bed. This is because it generally gives the earliest warning of when someone is getting out of bed to try to walk. When someone goes to get out of bed, they can have their weight on the Floor Alarm, setting that off, but they could still be sitting on the Bed Alarm, not setting it off. The Stand-Up Floor Alarm is placed on the floor next to the bed, normally on the side closest to the door or toilet, as this is the side people generally get out of bed during the night. Once the patient stands on the Slip Resistant Waterproof Mat, the alarm will be activated.
5 Ruse Street,
Osborne Park, WA
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