NIBP module for multi-parameter monitor Philips Healthcare

NIBP module for multi-parameter monitor Philips Healthcare
Philips Healthcare

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The Non-invasive blood pressure measurement uses the oscillometric method to produce numeric values for systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure. Features of the module include: Four modes of operation: Manual, for measurements initiated by a caregiver Automatic, at configurable intervals from one minute to two hours STAT, which initiates continual measurements over a five-minute period Venous puncture, which inflates the cuff to facilitate blood sampling Highly configurable alarm settings Compatibility with wide range of cuffs and adapters Default inflation pressure and over-pressure limits based on patient category Non-invasive blood pressure is one of the five "standard of care" measurements included in the Philips Multi-Measurement Server. A single measurement module is also available.
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Veenpluis 6,
5684 PC Best
+49 40 28990

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