Compact multi-parameter monitor / with touchscreen 12? | IntelliVue MX500 Philips Healthcare

Compact multi-parameter monitor / with touchscreen 12? | IntelliVue MX500 Philips Healthcare
12? | IntelliVue MX500

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Keeping pace with the point of care One intuitive view The IntelliVue MX500 combines powerful monitoring with portability and measurement flexibility in one compact unit. By supplying comprehensive patient information at a glance, it can make a real difference when multiple patients and priorities demand attention. See it clearly and quickly Find what you need right away on the 12-wide touchscreen, with support for the Philips Multi Measurement Module (MMS), IntelliVue X2 module, and Measurement Server Extensions (MMSE), as well as specialty measurements via up to three single/double-width parameter modules. Youll recognize the familiar, easy-to-use interface from your existing IntelliVue monitors, so you can spend more time providing care and less time on device training. The monitor also has built-in Advanced Clinical Solutions that provide tools to summarize and visualize complex clinical data and their interactions. Multiple streams of information come together in one, intuitive view.
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Veenpluis 6,
5684 PC Best
+49 40 28990

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