Microintroducer catheter 2.2.9 F | Micropuncture® Pedal Access COOK Medical

Microintroducer catheter 2.2.9 F | Micropuncture® Pedal Access COOK Medical
2.2.9 F | Micropuncture® Pedal Access

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Used for placement of .035 inch or .038 inch diameter wire guides into the vascular system when a small 21 gage needlestick is desired. Includes 21 gage, 4 cm EchoTip needle and a 7 cm introducer designed to increase control for retrograde infrapopliteal access. Check-Flo hemostasis valve attaches directly to the Micropuncture introducer, for use as an interventional introducer with a 2.9 Fr inner diameter.
  • Options:catheter
1425 Innovation Pl,
West Lafayette
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