Peripheral stent / drug eluting / self-expanding 6 F | Zilver® PTX® series COOK Medical

Peripheral stent / drug eluting / self-expanding 6 F | Zilver® PTX® series COOK Medical
6 F | Zilver® PTX® series

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The Zilver PTX has come up with a Drug-Eluting Peripheral Stent which is designed to release drug into Peripheral arteries. It improves the luminal diameter in the treatment of de novo or restenotic symptomatic lesions n native vascular disease of the above-the-knee femoropopliteal arteries which have reference vessel diameter from 4 mm to 7 mm and total lesion lengths up to 140 mm per limb and 280 mm per patient. It is designed with Self-expanding nitinol stent for the SFA. It offers randomized controlled trial which helps in clear drug effect (a 53% reduction in reinterventions at two years compared with bare metal stenting). It is coated with Paclitaxel. The non polymer (Paclitaxel) coating removes the risk involved with polymers.
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1425 Innovation Pl,
West Lafayette
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