Infusion catheter / vascular SpeedLyser® PRO™ Angiodynamics

Infusion catheter / vascular SpeedLyser® PRO™ Angiodynamics
SpeedLyser® PRO™

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Designed to enhance patient safety, the SpeedLyser device helps reduce risk of embolism because of its effectiveness in uniformly delivering a lytic drug throughout the graft or fistula. It is the first system to combine the minimal invasiveness of micropuncture access with the efficiency of PRO infusion technology. PRO slit technology along the catheter’s surface results in faster, more uniform distribution of lytic agent than with a conventional end-hole catheter, assuring effective lysis throughout the entire graft or fistula. For faster, more uniform drug delivery and efficient resolution of thrombosis, the SpeedLyser device delivers lytic agent directly into clots in only 1-2 seconds with a single 5-10 cc bolus, compared with the 3-5 minutes required using a conventional end-hole device.
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603 Queensbury Ave,
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