Angiography catheter / vascular Soft-Vu 4 Angiodynamics

Angiography catheter / vascular Soft-Vu 4 Angiodynamics
Soft-Vu 4

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Advanced Engineering for Superior Performance Using AngioDynamics’ patented technology, the Soft-Vu 4 French high-flow angiographic catheters provide an enhanced soft, Super-Radiopaque catheter tip in combination with a larger inner diameter to permit high flows and passage of a 0.038" guidewire during endovascular procedures. Soft-Vu Omni Flush 4 French High Flow Features: Super-Radiopaque tip means better visualization and more accurate placement. Reforms and maintains shape – even under injection pressure – with less catheter whipping, resulting in less vessel wall injury Unique tip weld transitions smoothly and securely from stiff shaft to flexible tip Less contrast reflux than other flush catheters, thus resulting in lower total contrast dose The top of the Omni flush shape to the tip end measures approximately 15 mm Specialized Catheter Options Available
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603 Queensbury Ave,
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