Drain abscess One Step Flex Somatex Medical Technologies

Drain abscess One Step Flex Somatex Medical Technologies
One Step Flex

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For use in direct puncture techniques, this unique drainage set allows for close gantry intervention. The stretcher or support is constructed from flexible plastic rather than rigid metal. The plastic however allows for flexible CT punctures even within spatial limits. Components of this device include a three-way valve, a 1.5l secretion bag, a catheter stretching obturator, attachment tape, and a sharp-edged mandarin for puncture cutting. It also comes with a oval-sided, pigtail drainage catheter which allows for good drainage. Unbendable yet soft polyurethane forms the drainage catheters, which also have a smooth surface. Good contrast for x-rays is provided due to the device's high barium sulphate content.
Rheinstr. 7d,
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