Bone marrow biopsy needle Somatex Medical Technologies

Bone marrow biopsy needle Somatex Medical Technologies
Somatex Medical Technologies

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The SOMATEX BONE MARROW instrument is intended for use in the region of the iliac crest when a histological puncture together with the cytological aspiration of bone marrow is required while performing a biopsy. One of the more significant features of this instrument is its inner securing edge. This allows the specimen to be carefully safeguarded within the cannula shaft. The extremely sharp, tapered tip enables light penetration of the cortical bone, while the ergonomically shaped handle ensures that only an optimal amount of pressure is needed for a biopsy to be carried out safely and successfully. The specimen is extracted by the combination of vacuum assistance and the Luer lock adapter. A closure cap enables specimen extraction to be carried out with a minimum of blood loss from the proximal end of the syringe.
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