Denervation catheter / renal EnligHTN™ St. Jude Medical

Denervation catheter / renal EnligHTN™ St. Jude Medical

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Cutting edge efficiency can now be achieved in procedural hypertension controls through the multi-electrode EnligHTN renal denervation system that reduces the amount of catheter manipulations thereby disrupting a nerve sympathetic network with great accuracy of placement and speed. Blood pressure of systolic nature is greatly reduced through the 1.3 Renal denervation system. Procedure times for Renal denervation are reduced as predictable patterns of four ablations are administered by the EnligHTN with 90 second intervals for each placement. Procedural accuracy is increased through the four point, consistent arterial wall contact. Fluoroscopic exposure, reduced contrast and procedure times may result through minimal repositioning of the catheter.
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Park Hill,
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