Clean linen trolley / modular DELLY Centro Forniture Sanitarie

Clean linen trolley / modular DELLY Centro Forniture Sanitarie

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The DELLY linen distribution trolley is suitable for the transport and the distribution of clean linen. The structure is made of electrogalvanised epoxy-painted steel sheet, easy to clean and disinfect, and has rounded edges. The worktop is made of plastic laminate. The trolley comes with 1 epoxy-painted steel sheet drawer on fully-extractable telescopic slides, 150 h mm, and with a compartment with 2 shelves enclosed by 2 hinged doors complete with key-lock. The doors open up to 180°. Available in a variety of colors. Size: 1000x650x1200 h mm
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Via Aquileia 8/A,,
Olmi di S.Biagio di Callalta
31048 (TV)
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