6-hook IV pole / on casters / with infusion pump bracket IP-B2226 Centro Forniture Sanitarie

6-hook IV pole / on casters / with infusion pump bracket IP-B2226 Centro Forniture Sanitarie

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Composed of stainless steel and aluminium, with a tube diameter of 38 / 25 mm, holder system, and 6 stainless steel hooks and pump. Screw adjustment (turn safety) with a regulating range of 1690 mm – 2200 mm, outer tube length of 1420 mm, base diameter of 680 mm, and base arms of 45 x 25 mm. Built on casters, 5 antistatic and lockable.
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Via Aquileia 8/A,,
Olmi di S.Biagio di Callalta
31048 (TV)
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