Ablation system / HIFU ablation system / for skin neoplasms / ultrasound-guided DOUBLO Hironic

Ablation system / HIFU ablation system / for skin neoplasms / ultrasound-guided DOUBLO Hironic

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2nd Generation of HIFU, DOUBLO has an extensibility not just in mechanical innovation but in more accesses to human being. A. Transducers, - Decrease damage on the surrounding tissues - Generate more accurate coagulation - Lower consumables cost thanks to more durable transducer B.128 CH. High Resolution Image Probe, The 128 CH. image probe, not conventional 16 CH. provides - Precise and real-time image before and during the treatment - Diverse applications and analysis with a high performance software - Quality treatment with a high resolution imaging system C.Doublo Control Systems The control system is consisted of two parts. The upper one is the image control system. The lower one is HIFU control system for ultrasound generation. Controlling two monitors simultaneous, so easy to capture the targeting image and better to control unit. D.User-Friendly Interface Manage all of parameters on the one screen
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903-916 Sicox Tower,
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