• AI and ML applications in healthcare

    From the algorithm development sandbox to the clinical wilderness. Today, far too many articles and blog posts suggest that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is some sort of magic pill that can easily be taken to ensure that all and any problems within healthcare will disappear overnight. However, change is difficult and often...

  • RS85 & GM85

    A new and outstanding premium Ultrasound system. RS85 is Samsung’s premium ultrasound system that adopted the integrated solution. It provides enhanced image quality, usability, and convenience for medical and radiology professionals. Built with exquisite image quality and expert tools, it empowers professionals to make faster and more confident...

  • Point-of-care ultrasound helps save time and lives

    Time is of the essence in an emergency situation, and may be the difference between life and death. Ambulance crews on the front line must decide rapidly whether or not a patient is suffering from a life-threatening condition requiring specialist treatment, and point-of-care ultrasound can provide vital guidance. Geert-Jan Deddens, a nurse practitioner...

  • A transformation in mammography

      M ore comfort and increased confidence from 3Dimensions ™ Following robust research from Hologic regarding its newly launched 3Dimensions™ mammography system, I was thrilled that our radiology department at Fatebenefratelli and Ophthalmic Hospital in Milan had the opportunity to implement the new system, and what a positive response...

  • Reinventing breast tomosynthesis

      Expandi ng Leadership based on clinical evidenc e. In early September, Hologic launched the new 3Dimensions™ mammography system, a breast tomosynthesis system with the fastest and highest resolution, in EMEA. I recently had the pleasure of showcasing this cutting-edge device at the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) Annual Scientific...

  • Harnessing the power of connected care and telehealth

      M ajor congress focuses o n telehealth development s.   Connected care and telehealth are playing a key role in the rapidly changing healthcare sector, but should be handled with care when implementing.   The healthcare sector is one that is constantly and rapidly changing. Chronic disorders and complex disabilities are becoming...

  • Guiding paediatric vascular access

    NICE guidelines for ultrasound-guided placement of central venous lines in adults and children were first issued in the UK in October 2002. Dr James Bennett, Consultant Anaesthetist at Birmingham Children's Hospital, discusses how the debate has since moved on from whether ultrasound should be used for vascular access, to what other information and...

  • The TUBE Approach to Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound

    Anaesthetists working in perioperative medicine have increasingly taken a whole body approach to patient evaluation known as TUBE – Total Ultrasound Body Examination – thanks to the development of point-of-care ultrasound. Dr Christophe Aveline, Consultant Anaesthetist in critical care and surgery at the Sévigné Private hospital in Rennes, is an...

  • New Philips Technology to Empower Emergency Departments

    Philips innovation in advanced health technology is delivering next generation Minicare point-of-care-in-vitro diagnostics systems to help support improved clinical decision-making that will ultimately benefit physicians, patients and hospital systems.   Such devices can help deal with the biggest issue that emergency departments face on a dailybasis...

  • What Are the Keys to Attracting and Retaining Qualified Staff in Healthcare?

    For the CEO 's of many organisations in the healthcare industry, attracting and retaining talent is the key strategic challenge, as discovered in a 2017 survey sponsored by Siemens Healthineers. Organisations face the dual challenge of how they should respond to the need for significant efficiency gains and simultaneously be an attractive employer...

  • Education and Training in Affidea – Developing a New Generation of Leaders

    Affidea is known for clinical excellence and operational efficiency, but at Healthmanagement.org we are most interested in exploring what Affidea is doing with training and education.   We spoke to Dr Rowland Illing, Affidea Chief Medical Officer, about this topic both in the clinical domain and in the more challenging area of leadership.  ...

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