MEDEN-INMED company was found in 1989 and since then, we have been working hard, trying to build a strong market position on the medical market. We started as a two people company, representative of a few foreign but well known medical equipment manufacturers.

Today MEDEN-INMED is a dynamic medium-size company with over 180 employees - professionals in the fields of electronics, mechanics, economy, sales and marketing. Over 90% of them have master's degree. Our products combine specialized knowledge with state-of- art technology.

Every device we have sold proves the trust our customers have placed in us. Thus, we are constantly innovating and improving our products with the aim of obtaining the highest satisfaction from our clients. Our goal is to deliver you a complete range of equipment required by professionals in the fields of rehabilitation and urologyequipment manufacturers.


Wenedów 2,
75-847 Koszalin
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