Cybersecurity expert, lecturer and contributor Dr. Mansur Hasib has been nominated for the 2017 Maryland Cybersecurity People's Choice Awards competition a Cybersecurity Association of Maryland, Inc. programme supported by PNC Bank and Point3 Security. 
Online voting is open to the public and concludes at 4pm EST on March 22 with the winner being announced on the same evening.
For a full picture on Dr. Hasib's work, read on for the Zoom On Profile.

What are your key areas of interest and research?

My key interests are people, politics, and economics of cybersecurity. I enjoy helping organizational executives understand how to use people powered cybersecurity and digital strategy as a mission, innovation, and productivity driver for their organizations.

What are the major challenges in your field?

The field is largely misunderstood as a technology field even though it is a business field.
What is your top management tip? 

Lead people instead of managing them and allow every brain in your organization to innovate and help you succeed. Do not view your employees as expenses. Treat them like the assets they are and see how amazing they can be.

What would you single out as a career highlight? 

Winning a Wien International Scholarship to receive an outstanding undergraduate liberal arts education at Brandeis University.

If you had not chosen this career path what do you think you would have become?

I was very close to becoming a professor of political science.
What are your personal interests outside of work?

I love music, table tennis, comedy, travel, and friends.

Your favourite quote?

My older brother Munirul Haque’s profound words early on in my life made a huge impact on me: We should live our lives in such a manner that even strangers will mourn our death.



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