Gives healthcare providers immediate insights into patient satisfaction
Long Range Systems, (LRS), a leading supplier of messaging and tracking solutions, has announced the launch of Check Point Surveys, a tablet survey application that helps businesses collect on-site patient feedback.
“Healthcare providers cannot afford to find out about patient experience issues by getting negative results on HCAHPS surveys,” said Skip Cass, CEO of LRS. “Getting immediate feedback allows management to immediately respond to complaints and identify and address systemic issues.”
The Check Point cross-platform application works on iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded from the Android app store now and available in the Apple store soon. Downloads include a free 30-day trial, after which prices range from $29-$99 per month based on the number of tablet devices using Check Point at a location.
Check Point contains a survey builder tool for users to craft questions that fit their specific business needs. Surveys include question branching. That is, conditional logic that tailors survey questions in real time, based on previous answers. For example:
  • Question: Were you served patient meals during your hospital stay?
  • If guest answers yes: Please rate the quality of the meals that you received on a scale of 1 to 5
Surveys can be customised with company logos to provide a branded experience, and images may accompany questions.
When connected to Wi-Fi, the application can notify management via text message when patients leave a negative response, allowing a representative to talk with unhappy patients immediately and address their concerns. Tablets with Check Point do not require an Internet connection to collect responses; they will upload data to the application upon connection.
A key feature of Check Point is the ability to use analytics and reporting. Because the feedback is immediate, management is able to quickly identify issues with underperforming staff members, treatments or care. With aggregated data, management is able to measure patient satisfaction over time and compare results across locations or departments to identify trends and improve service levels. This data can further be used to level-set and benchmark goals and expectations and identify areas of improvement before HCAHPS surveys are administered.  
Scientific studies have shown that respondents prefer to complete surveys via tablet devices for a variety of reasons, including the ease of use and immediate access to the survey. Customers who participated in the Check Point beta program have reported response rates upwards of 70 percent.

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Technology, mobile solutions, IT solutions, patient empowerment, patient care, healthcare management Gives healthcare providers immediate insights into patient satisfaction Long Range Systems, (LRS), a leading supplier of messaging and tracking solution...