U.S. Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton's recently released technology agenda has honed in on boosting opportunities for women and young people.

The plan is far-reaching touching on education, jobs, infrastructure, the economy, security and healthcare.

Both criticised as being “pandering” and praised as “surprisingly solid,” healthcare initiatives would include the following:

  • Investment in Computer Science and STEM Education: The plan would provide every student in the U.S. with the chance to study computer science. Through engagement of the private sector and nonprofits, Clinton aims to train up to 50,000 computer science teachers over the next ten years.
  • Diversification of the tech workforce with an emphasis on promoting the advancement of women and minorities in research and technology fields.
  • Increase of access to capital for growth-oriented small businesses and start-ups, with a minorities, women, and young entrepreneurs as main beneficiaries.
  • Deferment of student loans in order to encourage financial confident for millennials to start businesses.
  • Investment in science and technology and R&D.
  • Investment in cybersecurity technologies, as well as public-private collaboration on cybersecurity innovation. Inititaves on responsible information sharing on cyber threats and adoption of best practices are also featured.

The agenda comes as congressmen the HHS Office for Civil Rights that oversees privacy and security of protected healthcare information on concerns about cybersecurity.

Source: http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/hillary-clintons-big-agenda-technology-targets-women-millennials-digital-innovators-big-data

Image Credit: http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/hillary-clintons-big-agenda-technology-targets-women-millennials-digital-innovators-big-data 

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