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    Volume 5 / Issue 3-4 / 2010

    • IT
    • 15/12/2010

    COVER:  Enterprise Architecture: Accepting Chaos FEATURES:  Healthcare and Robotics; Midwives and Technology: The Case from New Zealand; Ca

  • iSOFT

    iSOFT Developments to Help Re-Shape Primary Care in Wales iSOFT Group Limited (ASX: ISF) has been awarded a contract to work with NHS Wales to roll out the Individual Health Record (IHR) nation-wide. The IHR will make patient information held in iSOFT's GP systems available to local out-of-hours services and in other unscheduled care settings...

  • Portugal

    Access to Health Information and Care Expanded by Portuguese Health Helpline Saúde 24 (S24), a telephone based service offering clinical assessment, health advice and health information in Portugal, has gained the trust of the Portuguese people by significantly improving direct access to heathcare advice, and is planning further expansion....

  • The Netherlands/UK

    A group of top Dutch health professionals came to look at a Merseyside hospital's innovative IT solutions this week as part of an annual initiative to visit areas of health care excellence in Europe.   The group of 23 experts, drawn from hospitals across the Netherlands, visited Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to look...

  • Enterprise Architecture for Healthcare

    Author Jim Quiggle Chief Architect and Founder, Altra Concepts Corp. The emergence of Enterprise Architecture may be a refreshing twist to the standard hype cycles  because the Enterprise Architect will be the strongest advocate against hype, product or approach....

  • Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS)

    ECRI Institute Europe Weltech Centre Ridgeway Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 2AA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1707 871511 Fax: +44 (0)1707 393138 [email protected] www.ecri.org.uk   ECRI Institute, a non-profit organisation, de - dicates itself to bringing the discipline of applied scientific...

  • Healthcare and Robotics: Miles to Go Before it Sleeps

    Author: Tosh Sheshabalaya HIT In spite of a variety of implementations since the 1980s, the field of healthcare robotics remains experimental and largely nascent. However, the long-term promise that it holds is acknowledged to be immense. This means that not only researchers and healthcare practitioners, but policy makers,...

  • Midwives and Technology: The Case from New Zealand

    Authors: Dallas Knight University of Otago Sarah Stewart, Otago Polytechnic Dunedin, New Zealand Information and communication technologies (ICT) present midwives with new opportunities. This article reviews how New Zealand midwives currently use technology in their practice, and its implications – both for...

  • Healthcare IT in the Netherlands

    Author: Tosh Sheshabalaya, HIT Healthcare IT in the Netherlands is driven by a combination of political and technological push-pull factors. The political facets in the process are underscored by an explicit commitment to clearing technology barriers astride the pathway to effective and meaningful...

  • IT @Networking Awards 2011

    25 projects from across Europe and beyond will compete in the IT @ Networking Awards 2011 on January 19 – 20 2011. This high-level competition will see candidates go through two rounds of presentations in an effort to persuade the expert audience and panel of judges why their solution deserves to win. If last year is anything to go by, attendees...

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