HealthManagement, Volume 7 - Issue 1, 2012 HIT
‘3millionlives' will enable more people with long-term conditions and social care needs to be supported by tel ecare and telehealth. Tunstall Health care is supporting a new approach that aims to transform the lives of three million people with long-term conditions or social care needs, uti lising telehealth and telecare within health and social care services.
Launched by the Minister of State for Care Services, Paul Burstow MP, '3millionlives' will enable millions of people to receive the significant bene fits derived from a recently completed telehealth and telecare pilot, known as the Whole Systems Demonstra tor (WSD) programme. The Minister re-affirmed his commitment to work ing with industry to improve the lives of millions of people by publishing a Concordat with the four trade associa tions representing the telehealth and telecare industry.
The WSD programme was estab lished by the Department of Health (DH) to evaluate how the use of tel ehealth and telecare services can support people with long-term health and care needs to live more inde pendently. The three-year research project aimed to create the largest evidence base for telehealth and telecare in the world. Key findings from the WSD programme include a 15 percent reduction in A&E visits, a 20 percent reduction in emergency admissions, a 14 percent reduction in elective admissions, and a 45 per cent reduction in mortality rates.
The 3millionlives website is now live, and anyone interested in finding out more or becoming involved can find details at