Mon, 28 Nov 2005
Caroline Hommez This new issue of IT@Networking Communications starts with a topic which reflects one of our magazine Hospital’s heading, namely outsourcing. Indeed, IT is often the first area hospital managers look to when considering outsourcing one of their activities. It is a costly field, one that evolves quickly and requires precise technical skills. In his article, Professor Menachemi help...
Authors Professor Nir Menachemi, PhD is an expert in medical informatics and has extensively published his academic work examining the organizational and clinical benefits of IT adoption in healthcare. He holds a faculty position at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (U.S.). Peter Ginter, PhD is a U.S. expert in healthcare strategic management and has authored 14 books on healthcare mana...
Author Catalina Ciolan and Tosh Sheshabalaya, European Association of Healthcare IT Managers, Brussels, Belgium Email : [email protected] RFID (radio frequency identification) devices have been visibly gaining acceptance across a variety of industries, principally for supply chain management in fast-moving areas such as retailing. As a relatively later entrant, the healthcare sector has benef...
Authors H.-J. Schubert, Director General C. Bildgen, Deputy Director of Administration, S. Duhr, Deputy Director of Medicine G. Wolfers, Head of Information Technology St. Louis Hospital, Ettelbrück,, Luxembourg Email: [email protected] The aspiration to secure high quality healthcare for the citizens of northern Luxembourg requires taking a proactive approach to tac...
Author Professor Dr. Daniel Grandt, Head of Dept. of Internal Medicine I, Klinikum Saarbrücken CEO Institute for Medication Safety, University of Essen & Klinikum, Saarbrücken, Germany Email: [email protected] It has been calculated that in the UK – as well as in many other countries – more people die from adverse drug events (ADE) than from road traffic accidents....
While some hospitals still wait for the right time to introduce speech recognition, the situation at Norway's Sykehuset Telemark HF (STHF) hospital is as clear as the Nordic air: speech recognition saves almost 900,000 euros per year, money that is invested in better patient care. And while physicians elsewhere still critically eye the technology, Norway trains medical students in speech recognition-based...
Authors Dr. Holger Carstensen and Dieter Geib, Centre for Information and Communications Technology, Saarland University Hospital Email: [email protected] In order to improve the quality of patient care and facilitate rapid treatment, the Saarland University Hospital decided in 2002 to optimise the process of evaluating clinical findings and eliminate weaknesses in ana...
Authors Professor David Seedhouse. Professor of Health and Social Ethics. Auckland University. New Zealand Jim Walpole. Behavioural Nurse Therapist and Project Co-ordinator for the Values Exchange. South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom Sam Mortimer. Senior Nurse for Quality and Standards (and medicines management lead) South Staffordsh...
DG Infso (Information Society) organised a conference on telemedicine, as a chronic disease management tool, on December 11 in Brussels. This was one of the steps developed by the Commission to identify barriers to broad telemedicine development. Other concrete actions for the European Union institutions, member states, regions, industries, user organisations and other stakeholders are expected in view of...