Healthcare without IT is unthinkable these days, as it plays an increasingly important role in many work processes. This trend is set to continue, and medical equipment and IT will be linked even more closely in the future.

Intelligent technology investment strategies will therefore need to be more holistic to be effective going forward.

Besides the medical technology, you will need to address how the equipment will support your digitalisation strategy and vice versa. If you get this right, it will help you to not only facilitate the connection between your internal IT & the Medical world but also to drive the connectivity between your hospital and the supporting ecosystem around you.

Digitalisation in this sense then will lead to better medical care and new therapies. But it will also enable more cost-effective care delivery.


Top Management Tip: Listen and understand before speaking.

Career Highlight: Early exposure to US business culture and working with leaders who valued my abilities and motivation over formal qualifications.

Alternate Career Path: Would have been an aerospace engineer for NASA or a photographer.

Personal Interests: Enjoy running, swimming, biking for fitness, and spending time with family.

Favourite Quote: “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” - Peter Drucker


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