The healthcare landscape is rapidly evolving, driven by the dual forces of technological innovation and patient demand for better, more personalised care. At the heart of this transformation lies the concept of the "connected patient," a shift toward integrating advanced technology and infrastructure to improve the patient experience and clinical outcomes. As healthcare systems become increasingly distributed, with care moving beyond the walls of hospitals and into homes and other remote environments, the need for a robust, scalable infrastructure becomes critical. A recent report from DHI explores three core areas essential to this transformation: the normalisation and swarm-ilisation of healthcare data, and the crucial role of healthcare-at-home infrastructure. This infrastructure is becoming increasingly important as the delivery of care shifts, and a robust, scalable system is needed to support this change.


Normalisation and Swarm-ilisation: Transforming Healthcare Data

Healthcare organisations are among the most data-intensive industries, requiring constant, reliable access to critical systems for life-saving decision-making. However, the chaotic nature of the current data environment, driven by fragmented and outdated infrastructure, often leads to inefficiencies and bottlenecks. This challenge is exacerbated as organisations adopt more Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices and AI-driven applications. Normalisation, a process that harmonises disparate data flows and ensures seamless, secure data transmission across multiple systems, is the first step toward addressing this issue.


Normalisation involves creating a standardised yet adaptable infrastructure that allows data to move fluidly between edge devices, data centres, and cloud systems. This approach improves data governance and security while minimising latency, ensuring that time-sensitive medical applications can function effectively. Once an organisation has normalised, it can progress toward "swarm-ilisation," where data from thousands of IoMT devices and AI tools can be processed and analysed collectively. Much like the swarm intelligence exhibited by natural systems, swarm-ilisation allows healthcare organisations to derive deeper insights from vast amounts of data, leading to better patient outcomes through personalised care and real-time decision-making.


Healthcare-at-Home Infrastructure: Enabling Distributed Care

As care delivery models shift from centralised hospitals to decentralised home environments, healthcare-at-home initiatives are gaining momentum. The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has supported this trend by launching the Acute Hospital Care at Home programme, allowing hospitals to deliver certain types of care remotely. While this approach offers numerous benefits, including improved patient comfort and reduced hospital-acquired complications, it places significant demands on healthcare infrastructure.


A robust healthcare-at-home model requires seamless connectivity between patients and their care teams. Remote monitoring technologies, such as wearable devices and connected health platforms, enable the continuous collection and sharing of patient data. This allows clinicians to track patients’ vital signs, monitor disease progression, and intervene before complications arise, all from a distance. However, reliable internet or cellular connectivity is essential to ensure this data flows uninterrupted, allowing care teams to make timely decisions based on real-time insights.


The success of healthcare-at-home programmes also depends on the ability to coordinate care across various third-party providers, including pharmacies, labs, and durable medical equipment suppliers. This requires a scalable infrastructure that supports secure, efficient information sharing across multiple platforms. By investing in such infrastructure, healthcare organisations can reduce overhead costs, decrease hospital readmission rates, and improve patient satisfaction, as data from home settings can be integrated seamlessly with clinical workflows.


Managing Scalable AI Utilisation in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionise healthcare by automating repetitive tasks, enhancing diagnostic accuracy, and optimising treatment plans. However, the full potential of AI can only be realised if healthcare organisations have the infrastructure in place to support its deployment and scalability. A common challenge in AI adoption is that healthcare systems often lack the necessary bandwidth and computational capacity to handle the real-time data processing required for AI applications.


To effectively scale AI across a healthcare organisation, leaders must ensure that their network infrastructure is robust enough to support the increased data traffic and processing demands. This includes upgrading bandwidth, ensuring low latency, and establishing redundant systems to minimise downtime. AI-driven applications like predictive analytics and decision support tools rely on continuous data flow to generate accurate insights. Therefore, healthcare organisations must prioritise infrastructure investments that guarantee the uptime and reliability necessary for AI applications to function without disruption.


In addition to technical considerations, healthcare organisations must also address the governance of AI systems. Many institutions still lack comprehensive AI governance frameworks, essential for ensuring that AI is used responsibly and ethically. This includes setting clear guidelines for how AI interacts with patients and clinicians and establishing policies to protect patient privacy and data security. Without proper governance, the widespread deployment of AI could introduce new risks, such as biased decision-making or data breaches. Therefore, establishing both the technological and regulatory foundations for AI is critical to ensuring its successful integration into healthcare systems.



The future of healthcare lies in the seamless integration of advanced technology and patient-centred care, with infrastructure serving as the backbone of this transformation. Normalising healthcare data flow, preparing for swarm-ilisation, building resilient healthcare-at-home systems, and managing scalable AI utilisation are critical components of a connected healthcare ecosystem. By investing in these areas, healthcare organisations can position themselves to meet the growing demands of distributed care, improve patient outcomes, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving industry.


As healthcare continues to evolve, a strategic focus on infrastructure will be key to unlocking the full potential of emerging technologies. By working with trusted technology partners and embracing scalable, secure solutions, healthcare organisations can build a future-ready infrastructure that supports current demands and paves the way for innovations yet to come. The era of the connected patient is here, driven by the infrastructure choices we make today.


Source: DHI

Image Credit: iStock


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healthcare transformation, normalisation, swarm-ilisation, AI in healthcare, remote care infrastructure, healthcare data management, connected patient Explore how normalisation, swarm-ilisation, and scalable AI are revolutionising healthcare data management and remote care. Learn about key infrastructure needs.