The SOS-ICE accessories have been designed to benefit people with Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Allergies and other medical conditions. The medical alert accessories, which include NFC chip enabled wristbands and stickers, can be pre-ordered via a crowdfunding campaign.

Innovamo Oy, a startup from Finland that develops innovative mobile solutions and services that utilises NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, has announced its first healthcare service offering entitled ‘SOS-ICE’. 

The service links the NFC medical alert ID accessory and relevant critical medical information of the person in need, in order to make the information readily available via a smartphone when required by Emergency medical personnel. The first aid personnel can then assess and determine the right course of action based on the information, potentially saving lives.

SOS-ICE is short for “SOS - In Case of Emergency”. The first set of accessories available includes stickers and wristbands that have an NFC chip embedded in them. Reading of the accessory and retrieval of the information is made possible via a mobile app, and although the SOS-ICE accessories are most beneficial to those who have medical conditions, they can be utilised by anyone who wants to have their emergency contact details made available easily.

Examples of use include placing the stickers on bicycle helmets or motorcycle helmets, whereas the wristbands can be worn by those in sports training, team sports or practicing extreme sports. According to John Caesar, Founder and CEO of Innovamo, the possibilities are endless and the choice rather personal. 

Available via the rewards-based crowdfunding campaign on Fundedbyme, the SOS-ICE medical alert accessories and the SOS-ICE service can provide a sense of security and comfort to its members and their families.
Information about the service and future developments can be followed from the SOS-ICE website. 

Source: SOS-Ice

14 March 2014

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Emergency, trauma, patient data, IT solutions, EHR, emergency care The SOS-ICE accessories have been designed to benefit people with Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Allergies and other medical conditions. The medical alert access...