HIMSS, a global not for profit organisation, has announced the launch of HIMSS UK after having acquired Citadel Events Ltd, a UK based event management company specializing in health  IT. 

HIMSS UK is the latest in a portfolio of HIMSS units in Asia, North America, Latin America, the Middle East and elsewhere in Europe. The organisation’s aim is to provide support to hospitals, trusts, physicians, other clinicians, health executives and others in the transformation of health and health care through information technology.

HIMSS originally obtained a minority position in Citadel Events in 2012 and has since partnered with BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, in presenting HC2013 and HC2014. Plans for later in the year include HIMSS UK to conduct a series of regional one-day events throughout the UK.  Among the objective of these to ‘Health Insights’ events will be to discuss how trusts have benefited from the initial round of the NHS England Tech Funds. Health Insights speakers include Tim Kelsey, Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell and Roy Lilley.

H. Stephen Lieber, HIMSS President & CEO commented that throughout England and the rest of the UK, important efforts were being made to adopt information technologies designed to achieve better patient outcomes, access to care, and cost efficiency. He added that HIMSS planned on being a valuable partner to trust, government, clinicians and other key stakeholders in achieving a better care system via their events, educational programs, market insights, and other initiatives.

Additionally to the HC conference and the Health Insights regional events, one of the prominent initiatives of HIMSS UK will be further involvement in the HIMSS Analytics EMR Adoption Model by UK trusts. EMRAM is the globally recognised measurement standard of Health Information Technology (Health IT) adoption on an eight stage scoring system. There are 167 hospitals in four countries worldwide that have achieved the highest level of recognition. 

Furthermore, HIMSS UK plans to conduct market analyses, Health IT adoption consultation, vendor product profiles, and media services through the HIMSS-owned British Journal of Health Computing.

The existing management team at Citadel Events will remain in place and there are plans to extend the UK team. 

Source: HIMSS

14 March 2014

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HIMSS, IT solutions, partnership, HIMSS 2015, health IT HIMSS, a global not for profit organisation, has announced the launch of HIMSS UK after having acquired Citadel Events Ltd, a UK based event management com...