International Digital Health Summer School

International Digital Health Summer School

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Digital Health is emerging as a completely new discipline, one which combines intersecting disciplines of health, technology, engineering, economics, demographics and much more. While current health systems have served humanity very well yielding a more than doubling of life expectancy over the last two centuries, the systems are now facing a major crisis with full hospitals, a demographic timebomb and record clinician attrition. However one half of the world’s population don’t have access to affordable healthcare and the other half who do have access are increasingly finding it unaffordable. This global healthcare is facing a perfect storm and what Thomas Kuhn would call a Model Crisis.

Digital Health is emerging as a potential ‘silver bullet’ solution which can address critical issues such as accessibility, affordability, variability, quality and clinician work life balance. The cutting edge Digital Innovation Methodology ‘ Open Innovation 2.0’ and the Manhattan Manifesto Stay Left Shift Left 10X developed at the UN Science Summit Digital Health Symposium in New York in September 2022 will underpin the compelling frontier agenda.

Come listen and interact with world leading thoughtleaders and practitioners in an intimate setting to help learn and co-create a new ‘win-win’ healthcare future for all.

The centrepiece of the Summer School will be a distinguished lecture from Dr. Jerome Adams, ex US Surgeon General and now Director of Health Equity Initiatives, Purdue University. Dr Adams will speak about the need and opportunity to achieve health equity and will also share experiences about leading the USA’s response to Covid 19.

A compelling line up of speakers from across all of the four quadrant of the quadruple helix will speak including clinicians, venture capitalists, CEOs, policymakers and most importantly patients.

Apart from Education a key goal of the Summer School is to create an intellectual supercollider which accelerates the emergence of a directed Digital Health Open Collaborative Ecosystem.

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