International medical imaging IT and cybersecurity company Sectra has signed a contract with the organization Pathology Projects (SPP) in the Netherlands to offer all 50 pathology labs in the country to connect to a shared telepathology solution. Sectra’s cloud-based image-sharing solution will enable pathologists to efficiently share digital pathology images on a national scale. This is the first pathology project of its kind in the world. 

With the solution for efficient sharing of images, pathologists will be able to easily consult with other pathologists throughout the country or to ask for second opinions. The solution also makes a patient’s previous images easily available, regardless of where the study was carried out. In addition, the solution makes information readily available for panel discussions and supports their execution. All in all, the nationwide telepathology solution could greatly improve cancer care in the Netherlands.

The telepathology project was initiated by the Dutch Society of Pathologists (NVVP) and the nationwide network, Stichting PALGA. The project will be implemented by Sectra, together with the subcontractors Deutsche Telecom Healthcare Solutions and RAM IT. The Pathology Image Exchange solution is based upon a SaaS (Software as a Service) model. Pathology labs which choose to participate will be connected in the coming years.

“Implementing a pathology solution on this scale requires integration between several different IT solutions throughout the 50 labs. Sectra’s philosophy and proven track record of implementing standard-based integration is a core strength for us, which makes me extra proud to be part of this unique project,” says Dr. Torbjörn Kronander, President and CEO of Sectra.

Source and Image Credit: Sectra

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Sectra , medical IT , Torbjörn Kronander , digital pathology , telepathology Sectr has signed a contract with the organization Pathology Projects (SPP) in the Netherlands to offer all 50 pathology labs in the country to connect to a shared telepathology solution