HealthManagement, Volume 6 - Issue 3, 2006

Managers and leaders are under enormous pressure to deliver more, with fewer resources and in faster time. This pressure quickly translates into inefficiency, reduced effectiveness and personal stress, all of which are then transmitted to those people we manage and lead in the form of staff morale, poor motivation, absenteeism, sickness, and high staff turnover, costly both in human and financial terms.

In order to address this, MIR (Management in Radiology) have announced their upcoming winter course, which will take place January 3 - 6, 2007 in Gstaad, Switzerland, where the topic is “The Art of Leadership: Managing Priorities and Managing Stress in Yourself and in Those You Lead”. The course discusses the significance of effective leadership in terms of time and stress management. Participants will explore different approaches to the topic, focusing on leading a radiological department.

Attendees will learn how to deal with time and stress issues through analysing their current situation, through simulations, discussions with colleagues and group work. Trainers will present practical tools and lead a lively combination of theory and practice, reflection and feedback.

Topics include:

  • Prioritisation
  • Managing time
  • Coping with stress
  • Saying no
  • ‘Work/life’ balance
  • Helping others to deal with the challenge
  • Finding time for regeneration and renewal.