HealthManagement, Volume 7 - Issue 2, 2007

As Well as the Annual Congress
What have been the Most Recent Areas of Growth for the Society?

Amongst many continuing achievements, the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR) has grown to a successful close of its first year of existence. It is gaining momentum and enjoys continuous support from our constituencies, as well as industry partners. EIBIR has launched a number of activities, one of which, currently being set up, is EuroAIM, the European Centre for Technology Assessment in diagnostic imaging and image guided interventions, which will facilitate the organisation and performance of multicentre clinical imaging trials across Europe. Other initiatives currently in the preliminary stages include a chemistry platform for the development of new probes, an image processing network for the development of imaging biomarkers, and a network of expert centres involved in MRI-based cell imaging to prepare the submission of a grant proposal within the EU Framework Programme 7.

Another major mission of ESR will be the extension of teaching activities throughout Europe, as well as to places beyond European boundaries, unified in the European School of Radiology (ESOR). ESOR is best described as a programme that aspires to extend teaching resources in Europe and worldwide and to raise standards in the field of scientific radiology through global e-learning initiatives.

ESOR will certainly meet with great approval throughout the radiological community and help young radiologists to achieve knowledge and skills to fulfil tomorrow’s requirements. Within the framework of ESOR the GALEN project focused on foundation courses and scheduled to facilitate the implementation of the European Training Curricula has already been in operation since November 2006. Four visiting schools within the GALEN project are scheduled for 2007.

Also, the first ESOR in-house course on management in radiology took place at the beginning of December 2006 in Vienna and was received with great enthusiasm by the fifty participants. A second ESOR in-house course on molecular imaging is planned for 2007.

In addition, the first ESR fellowship structured jointly with the European Society of Cardiac Radiology (ESCR) and the first AIMS programme organised jointly with the Chinese Society of Radiology will kick off immediately after ECR ‘07.

Are You Concerned by the Fragmentation of the Roles of the Radiologist to Other Professions?

During my leadership of European radiology, at what I consider to be  most challenging time, we witnessed the sorts of radical changes that can and do take place. Technology continues to alter the medical profession as a whole at an incredible pace, but despite this, I am very optimistic for the future of our specialty and for the future role of European Radiologists among other medical specialists. I believe radiology as an integrated clinical speciality will continue to take a central place in the provision of healthcare across Europe an integrated clinical specialty will continue to take a central place in the provision.

What Does the Future Hold for the ESR?

The establishment of ESR provides very clear evidence that European radiology can accept challenges and can reshape its organisation to provide radiologists with better opportunities and enable them to be ahead of their time. The growth the society has enjoyed already in its first year of existence is in itself very optimistic. It is envisioned that the growth will continue, thousands of European radiologists will multiple its voice and strength as members, the educational role of ESR will be structural in supplementing the national societies and research opportunities in radiology will be multiplied and better coordinated. The ESR’s role in raising the profile of an integrated clinical specialty will continue to take a central place in the provision radiologists in Europe and worldwide will be instrumental.

How have Such Programmes Benefited from Partnership and Support?

 The ESR receives great support and enjoys fruitful partnership within the industry in implementing such programmes, which are aiming to serve better and raise the profile of radiology and radiologists in Europe and worldwide. Innovation and vision is a common ground for industry supporting radiology and ESR. To reach our goals it is of utmost importance that the ESR is supported also by radiologists from all European countries as well as from partners from outside Europe. The ESR will evolve into an organisation that will allow for the realisation of many cherished ambitions of our discipline.