HealthManagement, Volume - 5 - Issue 1, 2006


Paul Vine

Managing Editor

Imaging Management

FIGURE: Professor Helen Carty

Chairman of the Executive




This year’s European congress of Radiology takes place between the 4th and the 8th March 2005 in Vienna. In her introduction to the congress programme, the chairman of the Executive committee, Prof Helen Carty looks

forward to the most successful congress ever with the highest number of submissions. She anticipates that the introduction of EPOS (Engineering and Project-management Oriented Support system) submissions should guarantee the largest number of attendees ever – both real and virtual!


Professor Carty is particularly pleased with the response to the ECR’s ‘Invest in Youth’ programme. The aim of this programme is to provide support to for trainee radiologists/ radiographers in order to encourage them to attend ECR. This year the programme is again over-subscribed. Compared to ECR 2004 the criteria for eligibility have been modified in order to permit junior radiologists and radiographers to apply for the support scheme.

In addition, the maximum age limit of thirty years has been softened, reflecting variation in national training schemes. She says, “At ECR there is exposure to the best in Europe, and trainees that I have spoken to say that it is an experience never to be forgotten.”


On a broader perspective, the ECR itself has expanded its offices in Neutrogasse to deal with its increasing role in managing many of the sub-specialty societies of radiology throughout Europe. At the same time plans for the amalgamation of the ECR and the EAR into a single voice for European radiology are making steady progress. Following the next board meeting the joint associations plan to publish a progress report.


EPOS – ‘Present from Home’

Potential delegates who encounter obstacles in attending ECR can now submit a presentation via EPOS without actually being present at the meeting itself. This gives would-be delegates an opportunity to participate in ECR’s scientific activities and to interact with their colleagues without actually leaving the comfort of their own homes.


Largest Number of Submissions Ever

The number of abstracts submitted to ECR 2005 exceeds 4000 – over 536 up on last year representing an increase of 15.15%. Prof. Antonio Chiesa, president of ECR 2005, believes that this “proves the growing importance of medical imaging and the need for cooperation and exchange at the European level.” Italy has provided the greatest number of submissions (719), followed by Germany (593) and Spain (334). A breakdown of of submissions by topic shows that Interventional Radiology has overtaken Neuroradiology as the most popular subject. Breaking this total down by class, the ‘exhibits’ category numbers 2284, of which 1458 are scientific and 826 educational. Chiesa says “These figures clearly demonstrate the importance and high level acceptance of EPOS”.



Imagine is the name ECR has given to a stateof- the-art exhibition of computer applications for medical imaging and informatics. Imagine is located in the entrance hall on the first floor, next to the central registration area. Here, delegates will have an opportunity to visit the Intelligent Hospital, and observe at first hand some extraordinarily effective computer applications for radiologists, surgeons, cardiologists and interventionists, enabled by PACS and IHE.


Special Focus Sessions

Of particular interest to the readers of IMAGING Management is the session chaired by Prof. Nicola Strickland from the UK entitled ‘PACS Pitfalls’ (session SF 9b March 6th 08.30!) This starts from the position that the electronic image alone is insufficient: seamless integration with other hospital computer /electronic patient records is essential.


Other indispensable SF 9b sessions include ‘PACS implementation; more than just an Image’ ‘Pitfalls integrating HIS with PACS’ and ‘PACS Pitfalls; how to avoid a staff revolt.


IMAGING Management will report in full on ECR in our next issue.