Printing your model is easier than ever. Every TeraRecon system houses a feature that allows the user to print directly from their existing workflow. It provides you a way to print full-color 3D models without the need for a printer, any 3rd party software, and it avoids the use of giant, inefficient STL files.


TeraRecon 3D Print Packs leverage a credits based model and allow for:


  • Dramatically improved workflow compared to an in-house printing program, with zero start-up costs
  • What you see is what you get, straight from the TeraRecon system with no need for editing
  • Strikingly high-resolution, full-color models through and through - never painted!
  • Immediate access to experienced experts in 3D model image segmentation and pre-production print design

TeraRecon 3D Print Pack credits are used for the purchase of non-diagnostic, 3D-printed physical models derived from medical images, which are intended for non-diagnostic display and discussion or education purposes only.

Source & Image Credit : TeraRecon

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3D Printing,TeraReon, ECR 2017,3D Print Pack Printing your model is easier than ever. Every TeraRecon system houses a feature that allows the user to print directly from their existing workflow.