Global agreement will give healthcare facilities access to accurate, complete and available patient and provider data

• Agfa HealthCare can include VisionWare EMPI and EMPR in integrated care offers. 

• Embedded Master Data Management makes it possible to merge data from hospitals that use different patient IDs.

• VisionWare was chosen for its performance, matching accuracy and value proposition.

Agfa HealthCare has announced that it will sign a global collaboration agreement with VisionWare, a leader in Master Data Management (MDM) solutions for the healthcare sector. Under the agreement, Agfa HealthCare can includeVisionWare’s Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI) and Enterprise Master Provider Registry (EMPR) capabilities within its integrated care portfolio offers. The agreement will be signed on the occasion of the HIMSS 2016 conference, which runs from February 29-March 4, in Las Vegas, NV, USA.

A single patient view

With healthcare enterprises facing ever-increasing data volumes and complex legacy data silos, Agfa HealthCare is committed to providing hospitals with access to a ‘single view’ of the patient, across departments, sites and regions. One challenge to integrated care is that hospitals across a region rarely use the same patient ID, making it more difficult to merge a patient’s information. Integrated care solutions also need to handle unique provider IDs.

Agfa HealthCarecarried out a tender to select an MDM vendor that could support its own solution portfolio with enterprise-class performance and scalability. Following a competitive process that included real-life testing of data merging, Agfa HealthCare chose VisionWare, which offered the best performance and matching accuracy, and value proposition. Under the agreement, Agfa Healthcare will be able to embed EMPI and EMPR capabilities across its broad range of integrated care solutions, from imaging through to patient portals.

Enhanced data reliability and patient satisfaction

“Embedding VisionWare MDM into our portfolios will allow us to provide healthcare enterprises with solutions that enhance patient satisfaction, improve access to and reliability of information, make outreach more efficient, and simplify adherence to regulatory compliance measures and meaningful use,” comments Joost Felix, Manager Integrated Care Solutions of Agfa HealthCare. “We believe that robust data management strategy is fundamental in facilitating the rationalization of the volume and variety of data across enterprises and at a very personal level enables the exchange of information that makes a difference to everyday lives.”

“Healthcare enterprises today need a single, accurate and trusted view of patient data. Our global agreement with Agfa HealthCare will provide customers with the solutions offering their stakeholders access to accurate, complete and available data across care settings, geographies and multiple vendor systems,” comments VisionWare Chief Executive Gordon Cooper. “We are proud to have been able to meet the various challenges put in front of us, and delighted that Agfa HealthCare trusts us to perform a key role in its end-to-end solution that allows customers to leverage the business outcomes associated with data-driven healthcare.”

Source & Image Credit: Agfa HealthCare

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Agfa HealthCare ,VisionWare, Patients, Providers,EMPI Agfa HealthCare has announced that it will sign a global collaboration agreement with VisionWare, a leader in Master Data Management (MDM) solutions for the healthcare sector. Under the agreement, Agfa HealthCare can includeVisionWare’s Enterprise Master