As it’s summer season in the northern hemisphere, brings you some suggestions for holiday reading. We present a selection of short stories, fiction and thrillers. So whether you stick to books or tablets, enjoy!

Cell by Robin Cook
Cooks’ bestseller Cell, published in 2014, has as its hero a Los Angeles radiology resident, George Wilson, who encounters a nightmarish vision of a possible future for radiology in the form of a fully customisable personal physician that can diagnose and treat better than a real doctor (iDoc).

Little White Slips by Karen Hitchcock
Hitchcock trained as a nuclear medicine specialist and is now a general physician at Alfred Hospital, Melbourne. She published this collection of short stories in 2009. Hear her in conversation with Richard Fidler on ABC Radio.

The Abundance by Amit Majmudar
Majmudar is a diagnostic nuclear radiologist and published this in 2013. When Mala and Ronak learn that their mother has only a few months to live, they are reluctantly pulled back into the Midwestern world of their Indian immigrant parents.

Doing Harm by Kelly Parsons
Parsons, a urologist, penned this thriller, which was published in 2014 - “There are many ways to die in a hospital - being sick is only one of them.” Steve Mitchell, happily married with a wife and two kids, is in line for a coveted position at Boston’s University Hospital when his world goes awry. His over-reaching ambition causes him to botch a major surgery, and another of his patients mysteriously dies. Steve’s nightmare goes from bad to worse when he learns that the mysterious death was no accident but the act of a sociopath. 

Doctored Images by Robert Sherrier
Sherrier is a radiologist from North Carolina, who published his first novel in 2014. The hero, Bo Richards, gets fired from his radiology residency, discovers his girlfriend’s death may not have been accidental, and after saving the life of a drug mule and uncovering a drug smuggling conspiracy is being pursued by Mexican gangsters.

The Far Euphrates by Aryeh Lev Stollman
Stollman, a neuroradiologist in New York published  The Far Euphrates (1997) - a coming of age story of a boy in Canada in the 1950s and 1960s, The Illuminated Soul, set in Canada just after the 2nd world war (2002) and a collection of short stories Dialogues of Time and Entropy (2003). You can read a 2003 interview with him.

The Bad Doctor by Ian Williams
For fans of graphic novels, we recommend Ian William’s The Bad Doctor: the troubled life and times of Dr Iwan James, described as "A humane, moving and often very funny graphic novel about the life of a country doctor and those of his patients."

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Fiction, Doctors, Radiologists Books written by physicians, including radiologists