HealthManagement, Volume 10 - Issue 6, 2010

Infinix Vf-I Bi-Plane Vascular X-Ray System

When imaging patients in the cath lab, it is critical that the vascular x-ray system provides clinicians unprecedented access without restricting image angles. Designed to increase flexibility and diagnostic capabilities, especially in neuro and paediatric imaging, Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. showcased it Infinix™ VF-i bi-plane vascular x-ray system with dual 12” x 12” mid-sized flat panel detectors. The dual 12” x 12” mid-sized flat panel detectors is said to provide clinicians with the ability to obtain critical variations in angle combinations while providing better coverage during biplane neuro and vascular procedures on a broad range of patients, including paediatric. The wider field of view offered by the 12” x

12” flat panel detectors is reputedly ideal for cerebral examinations, full body imaging and device implantation. The mid-sized design provides twice the anatomical coverage in a single view than smaller flat panel detectors.


System to Reduce Ct Radiation Dose

Reducing radiation dose is a high priority for medical imaging manufacturers and healthcare facilities. Expanding its dedication to reducing CT radiation dose while maintaining diagnostic confidence, Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. is expanding its suite of low dose CT technologies. Toshiba will showcase dose reduction technologies, such as Target CTA and Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction (AIDR) at congress.


Target CTA is a cardiac protocol for the Aquilion® ONE that is designed for patients including pediatrics. Since the Aquilion ONE can image the entire heart in one rotation, using the Target CTA protocol allows for more accurate targeting of the heart and minimises padding of the scan range. Target CTA can be most helpful to limit radiation dose during gated cardiac studies.