HealthManagement, Volume 10 - Issue 6, 2010

Siemens presented a detailed explanation of dose reduction innovations on Siemens medical imaging equipment. Siemens said it is the first manufacturer to issue a "Guide to low Dose." Created for physicians and medical technical staff, the guide describes the basics of radiation used for medical purposes, presenting a detailed explanation of dose reduction innovations on Siemens medical imaging equipment. Bernd Montag, CEo, Imaging & Therapy Systems Division, Siemens healthcare said, "In all relevant imaging procedures, such as computed tomography, angiography and molecular imaging, Siemens has pioneered the development of dose reduction technologies for many years. Now, we're planning to launch a comprehensive education programme which will support clinical staff in protecting themselves and patients better against avoidable radiation exposure."


Siemens said its latest dose reduction innovation is FAST CARE, a hardware and software platform for CT scanners. The FAST CARE applications offer new functions and protocols for dose reduction, such as to simplify time-consuming, complex procedures, such as patient scanning or preparation for image reconstruction. CAREguard supports dose monitoring during complex interventional procedures. To help minimise applied skin dose and align with established or future regulatory requirements, Siemens states that physicians can use CAREguard to predefine up to three different skin dose thresholds.