51st SIRM National Congress 2024

51st SIRM National Congress 2024

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Dear Colleague,

from 20 to 23 June 2024, the 51st SIRM National Congress , "The next generation", will take place at the evocative venue of the New Allianz MiCo Fair in Milan , which will also be the 1st Joint Congress of the Radiology Area , with some joint SIRM sessions, AIMN, AIRO.

As usual, the Congress is aimed at all members but above all at the new generations, seeking to delve deeper into the most innovative issues that will affect the radiologists of the future such as, for example, artificial intelligence.

The setting of the Congress is also innovative, favoring some main themes such as the future topic " The next generation ", 4 main topics oncology, cerebro-cardiovascular urgency, sport, transplants, hot topics including breast cancer, musculoskeletal radiology, cardioradiology, topics including interventional radiology, neuroradiology, pediatric radiology, technology/innovation (US, CT, MRI): related to these topics, but not only, there will be basic, multidisciplinary, advanced courses, round tables with reasoned case studies, laboratories, multimedia classrooms , simulation courses for interventions, long and short scientific communications, scientific and educational posters.

The various topics, distributed in the 26 classrooms, are marked with different colors to facilitate identification, while the joint sessions are identifiable by the "3 little men" symbol of the 3 SIRM+AIMN+AIRO companies, finally the "Next generation" moments are characterized by the “rainbow” symbol.

An impressive exhibition area of ​​25,000 square meters will be the scene of the technical exhibition where technological innovations in imaging, advanced hybrid machines, RIS-PACS systems, artificial intelligence, electro-medical and interventional radiology devices will constitute an obligatory transit point for conference attendees.

Peculiar moments of the Congress will be the joint SIRM, AIMN, AIR O sessions in the oncology and "Next generation" fields with the joint opening ceremony at the end of the second day , the close SIRM-CONI collaboration in the sports field, pioneering the "twinning ” with the Milan-Cortina Olympics, the institutional topics with great space for meetings and round tables with prestigious international guests from all continents, the plenary sessions with only one functioning room of the 26 and total concentration of the participants, the concentration of gender issues in the DEI Village , cultural and recreational events that will attenuate the scientific moments by creating an atmosphere to remember.

Milan , the most European and dynamic city in Italy, where tradition, culture, art and modernity blend admirably in a unique setting, awaits you, don't miss it !

Gianpaolo Carrafiello
President of
the 51st National Congress

Alfonso Marchianò
President of the Scientific Committee
of the 51st National Congress

Massimo Venturini
General Secretary
51st National Congress

Registration for the 51st SIRM National Congress

The online registration system for the 51st SIRM National Congress is open until 15 June 2024 (inclusive) .

After this date it will be possible to register only at the conference venue.

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