ZOLL Medical Corporation, a manufacturer of medical devices and related software solutions, has announced that, in cooperation with the Emirates Cardiac Society (ECS), it will host the first Dubai Cardiac Arrest Symposium on February 22 at the Crowne Plaza Dubai (Sheikh Zayed Rd.).
The scientific program will address improving outcomes in resuscitation in the Gulf and Arab states. The opening speaker is the chairman of the event, Alawi Alsheikh-Ali, MD, President of ECS, who will present “Cardiac arrest in the Gulf—Where are the data?”
In addition, leading experts in cardiology from around the world will address related topics such as CPR awareness; high-quality CPR in relationship to success; pre-hospital cardiac arrest management from pavement to PCI; and AutoPulse-facilitated PCI for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. A sudden cardiac arrest survivor will conclude the symposium with a presentation entitled “I shouldn’t be alive.”
“Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of unexpected death around the world, killing as many as 1 million people annually,” said Jonathan A. Rennert, President of ZOLL, “yet many of these deaths are potentially preventable when high-quality CPR is delivered. Advancing resuscitation care could improve survival from this major worldwide health problem.”
The symposium is expected to attract an audience of cardiologists, emergency physicians, anesthesiologists, and resuscitation officers and directors from throughout the Middle East. To view the agenda and register, please visit http://www.zoll.com/dcas. CME accreditation is available.
Source: Zoll
7 February 2014
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CPR, Cardiac, resuscitation, ZOLL, cardiac arrest, heart attack, defibrillator, conference
ZOLL Medical Corporation, a manufacturer of medical devices and related software solutions, has announced that, in cooperation with the Emirates Cardiac So...