ICU Management & Practice, Volume 12 - Issue 2-3, 2012

IMAGING Management, the official media platform for senior chairmen, business managers and decision-makers in the field of medical imaging, announced during this year’s European Congress of Radiology (ECR), which took place in Vienna, Austria (March 1–5), that Prof. Lluis Donoso Bach, Director of the Department of Diagnostic Imaging in Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, and Executive Director of the UDIAT Diagnostic Centre in Sabadell, will take over the reins of the journal as the new Editorin- Chief. Prof. Donoso Bach’s predecessor in this role, Prof. Iain McCall, states, “I am delighted that Prof. Donoso will take over this important work. The journal will remain in excellent hands and I look forward to following the journal’s continued development”. Prof. McCall will retain honorary membership of the Editorial Board of the journal in recognition of his contribution to its growth and success.

Prof. Donoso, a native of Sabadell, Barcelona, received his MD and PhD from the Autonomous University of Barcelona School of Medicine. He trained in radiology at the Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona. Between 1986 and 1989 he was on the faculty of the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona (Barcelona), after which he returned to the Hospital de Sant Pau as a staff radiologist until 1992. He was appointed Chairman of the Radiology Department of the UDIAT Diagnostic Centre at the Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí in 1992, becoming Executive Director in 1998. Since 2006 he has held the positions of both Director of the Diagnostic Imaging Department of the Hospital Clínic Barcelona and Professor of Radiology of the University of Barcelona.

Prof. Donoso has been involved in numerous research projects. Early in his career, his focus was on abdominal imaging, especially liver diseases, later shifting to the development and implementation of IT in diagnostic radiology and digital imaging. Under his leadership, a large R&D team was constituted at the UDIAT centre, leading to several patents and products widely used across Spain. He has published over 90 articles, seven book chapters, and has given numerous invited lectures at prestigious universities, congresses, and courses.

Prof. Donoso has always been active in the professional societies, from the regional level to the international, serving as President of the Spanish Society for Diagnostic Radiology (SERAM) from 2002 to 2006. Currently he is board member of the International Society of Radiology, President of the Spanish Foundation of Radiology and Chairman of the Professional Organisation Committee as well as Executive Council member of the European Society of Radiology (ESR).

He has received numerous honours for his contributions to the discipline, including the Gold Medal of the Spanish Society of Radiology and the honorary memberships of the Argentinean Society of Radiology, the Mexican Federation of Radiology, the Italian Society of Radiology, the French Society of Radiology and the German Society of Radiology.

Christian Marolt, Publisher of IMAGING Management states that:“We are delighted that Prof. Donoso will step in as Editor-in-Chief. He not only has decades of professional experience at a top managerial level, which in itself is a great asset for IMAGING Management, but increasingly his growing involvement in organisations such as Management in Radiology (MIR) and the European Society of Radiology (ESR) make him the best choice for this role. We hope that together, we will reinvigorate and strengthen the vision of our media platform."